
This morning I encountered errors with a JavaScript program. The code wasn’t working. Still isn’t, actually. I ran out of time.

I only have about 90 minutes to get through as much as I can. The alarm goes off at 5am. The next alarm-the alarm that previously would wake me for getting up for work-signals the end of coding work at 6:30. This has been my routine the last 3 weeks. On Saturdays, I don’t have the second alarm, though I have other responsibilities later in the morning.

Yes, I do this six days a week. I even did it on a day off. Can I keep this up? I don’t see why not. I do try to get some work done after work, but I also keep that time available for chores and spending time with my wife. This still leaves some time to work most nights, but that’s when MeetUps happen, or networking events.

It’s hard to find the time to get everything I want done. I know I’m not alone in trying to squeeze more time from each day. This routine is me trying to find more hours in the day to work towards my goals, but still able to have some sort of normalized life. I don’t want to me monkish all day, as it’s important to me to still be available to those around me.

Yesterday, though, I had a hard time with transitioning from coding to getting ready for work. My code had problems, and I couldn’t find the cause. As alarms went off to remind me it was time to transition, I ignored in hopes of not leaving the code with syntax errors. I eventually had to accept defeat for the moment and move on. Thankfully, that alarm will go off tomorrow at 5am. 

Even accepting temporary defeat was hard.


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